Nurturing Minds: Top Ten Ways to Support Mental Health for Adults and Children Through Mindful Practices and Creative Expression

As February’s chill unfolds in the UK, mental well-being is more important than ever and now is as good a time as any to break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. In this blog, I’ll explore the top ten ways for adults and children to support their mental health, incorporating the therapeutic benefits of art and creative activities. Prioritising your own mental health as a parent can create a positive ripple effect, benefiting your children and those around you. Join me as we delve into the therapeutic world of art and mental health. Top 10 Powerful Practices for Adults to Support Mental Health: A Well-being Boost:

  1. Mindful Meditation
    Begin your mental health journey by embracing mindfulness. By regularly dedicating time to focus on your breath and stay present in the moment, you can significantly reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. And with a plethora of mindfulness apps available, it’s easier than ever to incorporate this practice into your daily routine.
  2. Regular Exercise
    Physical activity is an incredibly effective tool for promoting and maintaining good mental health. It’s important to find activities that you truly enjoy, whether that’s taking a brisk walk, attending a dance class, or practising yoga. Exercise releases endorphins, elevating your mood and increasing your overall sense of well-being.
  3. Therapeutic Art and Creative Expression
    Tap into the healing power of art. Creative activities such as painting, drawing, or crafting provide an outlet for emotions, allowing self-expression without the need for words. These activities can be both therapeutic and enjoyable.
  4. Social Connection
    Relationships Matter. Human connection is fundamental to mental health. Cultivating relationships with friends, family, and community members can have a positive impact on our mental health and well-being. Studies show that social support acts as a buffer against stress and promotes a sense of belonging.
  5. Quality Sleep
    A good night’s sleep is a must. Establishing a consistent sleep routine, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and limiting screen time before bedtime are great ways to ensure you get a good night’s rest. Quality sleep not only helps with cognitive function and emotional resilience, but it also plays a vital role in maintaining overall health.
  6. Mindful Eating
    Pay close attention to your dietary choices. By incorporating a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients, you can positively impact your mood and cognitive function. Additionally, staying hydrated throughout the day and limiting your intake of stimulants like caffeine and sugar can further improve your overall health.
  7. Set Realistic Goals
    Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable goals. By doing so, you not only set yourself up for success, but you also allow yourself to celebrate small victories along the way, which can help boost your confidence and motivation. It’s important to be compassionate with yourself when facing challenges, as setbacks are a natural part of the process. By setting realistic expectations, you promote a positive mindset and reduce feelings of overwhelm, which can ultimately lead to more success in the long run.
  8. Seek Professional Support
    If you find yourself in need, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified mental health professional. With therapy, you’ll have a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and emotions, and gain valuable coping strategies and resilience that can help you navigate life’s ups and downs.
  9. Practice Gratitude
    By acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life, you can cultivate a mindset of gratitude that can help shift your focus towards optimism and foster resilience. Consider keeping a gratitude journal as a daily practice to help reinforce this positive habit.
  10. Disconnect
    In our hyper-connected world, it is more important than ever to unplug from technology and take a break. By setting boundaries on screen time, particularly on social media, we can avoid being overwhelmed by information and maintain mental clarity.

Top 10 Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health and Well-being: Promoting Healthy Habits:

  1. Express Emotions through Art
    Encourage creative expression through art. Encouraging children to express themselves creatively through art is not only a fun activity, but it also provides a non-verbal outlet for their emotions. Drawing, painting, and crafting are all great ways for kids to process their feelings and emotions. By fostering self-awareness and emotional regulation, children can better understand and manage their emotions. These creative activities can also help children build self-confidence and improve their communication skills.
  2. Outdoor Play
    Physical activity is vital for the healthy development of children. Outdoor play is an excellent way to promote this, as it not only enhances cognitive function, but also improves mood. Whether it is playing sports or exploring nature, children should be encouraged to get plenty of fresh air and movement.
  3. Mindful Breathing
    Teach children simple yet powerful techniques of mindful breathing. This technique involves bringing focus to the present moment by paying attention to the sensations of breathing. By doing this regularly, children can develop a sense of calm and improve their ability to manage stress and anxiety.
  4. Establish Routine
    Children thrive on routine and predictability, and having a stable schedule can provide them with a sense of security and stability. By establishing a routine, you can help your children feel more secure and improve their overall well-being.
  5. Cultivate Healthy Sleep Habits
    It is important to prioritise both sufficient and quality sleep for your child. To achieve this, you can create a calming bedtime routine and ensure that the sleep environment is conducive to restful sleep.
  6. Encourage Social Connections
    Foster positive relationships with peers and family members. These social connections play a crucial role in contributing to their emotional resilience and development. Encouraging children to form and foster these relationships can help them navigate the challenges of life with greater confidence. Strong social connections with peers and family members can lead to better mental health, communication skills, self-esteem, and problem-solving abilities in children.
  7. Limit Screen Time
    While not all screen time is bad, excessive exposure to screens can lead to overstimulation, interfere with sleep, and negatively impact mental well-being. To prevent these negative effects, it’s important to set boundaries on screen time. Specifically, limiting screen time before bedtime can be especially helpful in promoting restful sleep and ensuring your child’s overall well-being.
  8. Promote Healthy Eating
    Introducing a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients will not only support a child’s physical growth, but it can also have a positive impact on their cognitive function and emotional well-being.
  9. Teach Critical Thinking Skills
    Equip children with problem-solving skills to navigate the challenges that they may face. By teaching critical thinking skills, children can develop the ability to analyse and evaluate situations, as well as to think creatively to find constructive solutions.
  10. Model Healthy Coping Mechanisms
    Children learn by example. By demonstrating healthy coping mechanisms when faced with stress or adversity, you can help children develop essential life skills. Show them resilience and effective problem-solving strategies to empower them to handle difficult situations.

5 Key Practices for Parents and Carers to Prioritise Mental Health and Strengthen Family Bonds Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in shaping the mental health of their children. It is vital that parents prioritise their own mental well-being, as it directly influences the family dynamic. Here are 5 key points for parents and caregivers to consider:

  1. Self-Care
    Prioritising self-care practices is an essential component of overall wellness and mental health. By taking time out for yourself and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, you can recharge your mental and emotional batteries and reduce stress levels. Whether it’s curling up with a good book, taking a walk in nature, or pursuing a hobby you love, make sure to allocate time for activities that recharge your mental and emotional batteries.
  2. Open Communication
    Create an open and non-judgmental environment for family discussions. Encourage your children to express their thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas, fostering a sense of emotional security. By prioritising family communication, you can strengthen your family bonds and create a more connected household.
  3. Professional Support
    Understanding the importance of addressing your own mental health needs is crucial. Seeking professional help ensures that you receive the necessary support and assistance that you deserve. Not only does it benefit your overall well-being, but it also sets an example and demonstrates the importance of prioritising mental health.
  4. Model Healthy Boundaries
    Demonstrating the importance of setting healthy boundaries is crucial. Balancing work, family, and personal time is not only important for your own well-being but it also sets a positive example for children. By modelling healthy boundaries, you are teaching your children the significance of self-care.
  5. Quality Family Time
    Prioritise quality family time in your daily routine. Engage in fun and meaningful activities together, fostering a strong sense of connection and building unbreakable family bonds.


As the UK’s winter and long, dark nights envelop us, let us embrace a holistic approach to mental well-being. By incorporating mindful practices, physical activities, and the therapeutic benefits of art, both adults and children can support and nurture their mental health. Parents must acknowledge the symbiotic relationship between their own mental well-being and that of their children. Creating a nurturing environment where mental health is appreciated and prioritised can make a significant impact. Through these collective efforts, we can build a foundation of resilience, empathy, and well-being that will benefit future generations. Let’s embrace a holistic approach to mental well-being and take care of ourselves and each other during these challenging times.